Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bersih 2.0

What is Bersih rally all about? read here.
I was reading live tweets about Bersih 2.0 and #bersihstories the whole day. #bersihstories are stories(on twitter) from people who took part in the rally. i'm touched.I'd like to share some of them here..

1. supporters shaking hands with the police.


3.Look at the pic.  Melbourne is awesome!   via 

4.Great crowd chanting for clean & fair election outside Malaysian High Comm, London   

5.  be proud of these 2 Malay friends pray for better Malaysia 

6.nice RT  there were Muslims doing prayers while seeking shelter frm heavy rain @ Indian temple. 

7. Many said that other citizens hate us. But during the rally when bystanders and taxi driver wave at us. I almost cry.

8.RT  2day an elderly conservative Malay lady looked @ me in the eye and smiled while nodding approvingly :) bersihstories 

9.all races, picking up rubbish, shaking hands with PDRM; fighting for one cause  These are the true  spirit. Heroes!

10.I'd like to thank 2 Chinese guys who pulled me away frm tear gas canister&rub a pinch of salt into my mouth as I was completely stunned.

11.bck then at d rally..we hold hand..there's a Chinese on my left..and an Indian on my rite..we define ourself as MALAYSIAN. 

12. Someone tried 2 sabotage by burning Patriot's shirt.But everyone scream "JANGAN! JANGAN!" & he was taken out from the rally.

13. sm ppl tried 2 tear a "patriot" t-shirt in frnt of puduraya, crowd stopped 'em, we came in peace, not 2 provoke

14. We went into a chappati restaurant for salt, water & tea. Owner & his family were v kind "come in, come in, sit, sit!"

15.A man handed us d little salt left on his palm wen we're attacked by tear gas. He gave us all he had & didn't save 4 himself 

16. RT : Singing 'Negaraku'under the rain with fellow 30k Malaysians at pudu just send shivers to my spine 

17. Chat with a free lance photographer, asked why u're here, not at patriots there. Answer: patriots photos no value n pointless

18.Ladies first.. RT  Strangers helped one another climb out of the hospital to the school to escape police 

19.RT : Smbil bjalan, kite org pegang tangan dgn random Indian & Chinese guys, nyanyi lagu Negaraku. FRU cuak beb 

20.I saw hope. In different skin colors today but with one purpose. 

21. - I saw the faces of family, friends, and every single type of Malaysian there is, all united as one for a just cause.

22.  to be fair, they didn't run when it rain. They marched on in d rain. Only dispersed after tear gas shot. I was thr

23. When the rains fall, I see people knelt down and pray thanks to God. Because at least it could reduce the suffer.

24.I went to a chinese shop to buy a 1.5L Mineral Bottle. The chinese owner smiled and said to me "RM1 I am Bersih Supporter"

25.Di klcc berada di dlm lif makcik berusia 62tahun bersama rakan2 juga br balik dr stadium. Saya peluk beliau ucap terima kasih

26.When I fell down,it wasn't the police who realized I'm from media,help carry me,give me water,call the ambulance..thank you 

27.RT @bmahendran: #bersihstories when we crossed roads, ppl shouted "jgn pijak rumput / tumbuh2an!" , such a civic concious crowd @bersih2 #bersih

28.random guy bought 2 box of mineral water and passed it to the crowd, random handshake, smiles and chats. Where got racism?

29.A skinny Malay chap next to me offers a piece of bread even it's barely enough for himself,without thinking twice.I'm touched

30.Shops opened up to let ppl wash their face and eyes after being teargassed. Salute!

31.:a Chinese friend was running away from tear gas. Outside a surau,a Malay lady handed her a scarf & asked her to hide inside.

32.In ,u read about adventure,courage,patriotism and most importantly LOVE. The love for one another n for this piece of land.

-to read more just search for #bersihstories or #Bersih on twitter. Get the real stories. Don't blindly believe the mainstream media

Friday, July 1, 2011

I hate this love song

currently on repeat.. :p

Love Song



and THIS
lower your gaze please.. keke..

Can't Live Without You